Mission Trip to Bolivia of The Life Church, Bartlesville-Oklahoma 2012

[singlepic id=494 w=320 h=240 float=left]On June 5 to 15 we had the pleasure to receive an awesome group from Bartlesville, Oklahoma, “The Life Church” which had a great ministry of dramas called “The Cause”, came to share with thousands of Bolivian students and people in general. Reaching around 5,400 people with their dramas and testimonies. Visiting 15 schools of different denominations and believes, going into 84 classroom to talk, teach and share with the students their purpose in life and encouraging them to live their dreams and purpose, to reach out to God for help and advice, so that their relationship with Jesus Christ can grow, accepting Jesus Christ as the Lord and Savior of their lives. But their ministry didn’t just end in the classrooms but were able to go preach to Parks, orphanage, student centers and universities reaching around 1, 000 people besides the 4,400 students at the schools. The impacting thing for the students besides their amazing dramas was the time they spent praying for their needs, caring about them and being able to pour their hearts and problems to them and knowing that prayer is powerful. Their dramas talked about the love of Jesus Christ who gave himself in the cross to pay our sins and how he came to free us from our bondages. It was an amazing time, not only in the city of Santa Cruz but being able to spent time in the district of “Samaipata” located 75 miles away from the city of Santa Cruz and the communities of “Bella Victoria” and “Valle Abajo” and reach people there as well. We are grateful to each of the 28 members of this group for coming to Bolivia and opening their heart to the people here in Bolivia.

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