It’s a new year; a blank slate; a new start! If you’re like me, you’re looking at all the things you left unfinished or never started in 2019. You might also be looking at the things you want to improve. Honestly, the lists can so overwhelm me that I don’t make a plan at all. Or there are the times when I put a little effort into too many things on the list resulting in a lot of divided attention and no items checked off the list.
This year, maybe you want to join me in changing things up a little. I’ve decided I’m going to pick one category—for me, organization—then set small manageable goals to give me those little victories that encourage me to continue. Here’s how my plan works:
Deadline Task
January 15 Master Closet
February 1 Master Bedroom Drawers
February 15 Extra Bedroom Closet
March 1 Linen Closets
I won’t bore you with the whole year’s schedule, but you get the picture. These are doable tasks in a doable timeline. By the end of the year, I will have purged and cleaned out the closets and drawers in my home.
Your category might be related to your health or your children or time with friends. Finances might be your focus—how to clean up debt or ways to give more. The key is to concentrate efforts on one category with small goals along the way that will produce big results by the end of 2020. It’s time to see clearly—you can do it!