Here are testimonies from a therapist and a psychologist who gleaned benefit from the Chaplain Program instruction.
Name: Mariela Romero Country: Panama
Specifically, I do not work as a classroom teacher. I am a therapist. The chaplain counseling course is the best I have ever had. It serves to support my knowledge and at the same time it gives me some strategies to improve my work.
Name: Erika Rosales Country: Guatemala
Personally I am a psychologist by profession. The chaplain course helped me to counsel my teaching and administrative staff in the ways of God. It is very beneficial to have a better handling of the Bible subjects as they relate to school subjects. I can transmit more accurate information, which we must do as an institution. As educators we are responsible for the children in our care from the moment we find them on our steps. We must provide counseling and help children and youth. The chaplain’s App does a great job.