Spring Break Time—Connect with Your Kids!

Spring Break means great opportunities to connect and build better relationships with your children or grandchildren.  I can’t think of a better environment to truly connect than when school is out and you are spending light-hearted, fun time with the kiddos.  Click on this article by Clem Boyd, published by Focus on the Family, to get a great resource for the how-to’s of building relationship with your children. https://www.focusonthefamily.com/parenting/build-relationship-with-your-child/  He emphasizes: pray, get into their space, keep it real, enjoy family time, do projects together, and be silly. He includes age appropriate ideas.

When choosing activities for Spring Break, movies are fun, but not interactive with your children.  Make sure to include outings where you can engage in conversation with your kids. Also, don’t shy away from including their friends, as this can give you even better insight to their world and perceptions.  Indoor games along with household projects and family mealtime can also be great opportunities. Don’t let these precious years go by without building these relationships and inputting into your kids’ lives.  They want to be heard and understood by you.  Your effort in attempting to close the communication gap will be time well spent!