Home of the Free Because of the Brave

Memorial Day—our opportunity to honor those men and women who so generously sacrificed their lives, so we could enjoy freedom.  This day is set aside to remind us that freedom certainly didn’t come free.

~Thank you to the ones who laid down their lives for us.

~Thank you for giving us freedom to choose to worship God.

~Thank you for making a stand giving us rights that allow us to protect our families.

~Thank you for loving our country and laying down your life to give us freedom, rights, and choices.

Here are two small challenges for this Memorial Day—

1) Pause to remember and thank God for the soldiers who gave their lives for our       great country.

2) Thank someone who you know is currently serving in our military.

Mission Generation appreciates the sacrifices made so that we can take Jesus into schools in our great country.  John 15:13 says “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.”