Greetings in His name from Myanmar.
We arrived in Myanmar after a 24 hour bus ride, an hour motorcycle ride and 40 minutes by boat. We arrived at noon the following day. That evening we gathered the children and told them about what we are going to perform in the next two days at the Children Campaign. We gave out candy and toys, of course everyone was happy and we asked them to invite their friends.
Later that night some teenagers came to visit us. We started talking about Jesus Christ who came to save all human beings from the bondage of sins.
The rural or remote village is influenced by nightmare of traditional and oral stories which are evil spirits. There is no educated person, all children attend up to middle school. Their wrong concepts on evil spirits overwhelm them. It is inherited generation to generation. They get married when 14, 15, 16 age of girls to boys.
The First Day
We expected 50 children to come but miraculously 90 children showed up. We did not count those who were standing outside and listening to our teaching. The children and the teenagers standing outside were very interested as they had never heard of stories of Jesus- the Savior, the Creator of the universe, someone that would die for them because of his immense love. We asked the children questions on the stories we told them and they were all very eager to answer.
That night we gave every child a color book to celebrated the first day of the children’s campaign. We shared more stories about Jesus from the Bible and we had the children draw the favorite part of the story or had them color in their coloring books.
The Second Day
By God mercy and grace, the second day about 70 children attended, some children are hindered by parents. We played games, told stories, colored pictures.
I prayed for them the children and I asked for those who felt led to confessed with their mouths Jesus is Lord and Savior, every child their asked Jesus into their life.
On the second night we gave out more gifts to the children: books, pens, coloring pencils, erasers, balloons, toys and candy.
I with my friend went to that village. We spent more than 450,000 Kyats or MMK which covered transportation, food, buying gifts, story books sweets, and so on.
I and my friend started investing in something that is going to count! No person cannot take his/her money to heaven. The only thing I know going to heaven is the souls of children. Even my wedding ring was sold and invest for eternal things.
As we known ministry means people, not materials. No one advises me to go to missionary works, think of it, how can I stay without telling the gospel to others?
I left my native state, moved to Yangon Region so I could be a missionary among Buddhists. I hope that I will have the chance to work with you again in the future or partner with you for reaching the children to Christ for education and winning souls.
Please continue praying and assisting this ministry for His glory shining in Myanmar.
May God bless you for what you have done to God and will do to God.
Yours in Christ,
Pastor Michael
Myanmar Great Commission Ministry